2025 Special Awards

  • This award recognizes the creativity, ingenuity, and technical prowess of the first scientists by honoring Indigenous students from North American tribes or the Pacific Islands who have developed research projects that answer burning questions or address real-world challenges from their communities. To be eligible for a 2025 AISES Indigenous Ingenuity Award, your concept for submission must have been entered in the 2023 or 2024 National American Indian Science and Engineering Fair (NAISEF)

    PRIZE: A 5-night/6-day trip to the National STEM Festival in Washington, D.C., where winners will present their STEM project. Up to 3 awards will be given.

  • This award honors one 2025 National STEM Champion for exceptional creativity and innovation in completing a project that demonstrates outstanding skills throughout the entire design and make process.

    PRIZE: 30 min Autodesk mentor session in their field of interest (Media and Entertainment, Design and Manufacturing, Architecture, Engineering, Construction) plus Autodesk swag.

  • This award is given to inspiring students for their insightful use of data collection in innovative projects designed to benefit the world around them. It recognizes the ability to collect, analyze, and interpret data in ways that push the envelope of creativity and practical application.

    PRIZE: A suite of PocketLab hand-held wireless data collection sensors and monetary consideration.

  • This award recognizes the creativity, ingenuity, and technical prowess of students who have developed outstanding mobile and web applications that address real-world challenges. To be eligible for a 2025 Congressional Innovation Award, your concept for submission must have been entered in the 2020, 2021, 2022 or 2023 Congressional App Challenge and you must still be enrolled in 7th-12th grade.

    PRIZE: A 5-night/6-day trip to the National STEM Festival in Washington, D.C., where winners will present their STEM project. This prize is being awarded by EXPLR and the National STEM Festival and is independent of any Congressional App Challenge awards. Up to 6 awards will be given.

  • Presented by the 2024 cohort, this award recognizes an individual with the potential to become a young ambassador for STEM education. It honors those who inspire others through their innovative solutions, leadership qualities, and commitment to using STEM for the greater good.

    PRIZE: A 5-night/6-day trip to the National STEM Festival in Washington, D.C., where winners will present their STEM project.

  • The EXPLR Catalyst Award recognizes an outstanding entrant who demonstrates exceptional ingenuity and a commitment to solving real-world problems through innovative solutions. This award honors an individual whose project relentlessly pursues practical applications to address significant societal challenges with creativity and innovation.

    PRIZE: A 5-night/6-day trip to the National STEM Festival in Washington, D.C., where winners will present their STEM project.